Sunday, September 10, 2006

Jungle fever.

Hola Senors, Senoras and Senoritas. The jungle was, well, hot and steamy. A two hour cruise in what seemed like the dodgiest boat in the Amazon Basin, but by the end of the trip we realised was actually the best one. Cabins were great though, windows were insect mesh so the breezes just wafted on through and all the night jungle noises lulled us to sleep - we had the two best nights sleep we´ve had yet, and nice not to be at altitude too. Just did some jungle walks, visited a local family and got an upper body workout paddling a canoe through mud (where there was supposed to be water). Still, the highlight was probably the tarantula and the cocktails. Lots of monkeys and birds too and Sally held a baby boa constrictor. Unfortunately Paul didn´t see an Anaconda (or even a yeti). Feeling a bit homesick today, but back in Cusco now and headed for lake Titicaca and then La Paz, the worlds highest capital city in the cocaine capital of the world; Bolivia. Should be interesting...adios Amigos.
PAS and SAS.
PS for the motorcycle enthusiasts amongst you google Nortons Rats, an awesome little pub in Cusco filled with biking memorabilia and a spectacular view over the hills...for the poets google Pablo Neruda the 1971 Nobel poet from Chile. Photos in about a week or so when we hit Denmark....


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